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Patent Services

The patent services are perhaps the most meticulous, refined, and responsible part of all intellectual property services, given to diverse sectors of economy. Therefore, these patent services must be scrupulously performed under well-informed and discerning support of expert patent attorneys. Ours globally reputed law firm located in India, has adept patent attorneys of national and international reputation for such perfect and responsible patent services in jurisdictions domestic and international, situated in all around the globe. Ours these patent services (including the patent services india) are illustrated in the below section separately, for better conception and convenience to our readers. These elegant and innovative patent services are among ours significant and creditable intellectual property services provided in India and abroad to all concerned economic sectors. These qualitative abilities have made our legal organization widely and hugely prominent and popular for prolific patent services search in India and other countries worldwide. Here, it deserves to be noted that, we extend perfect and economical services regarding all areas of the law to people and entities active in diverse economic fields in locations worldwide.

Patent Services In India

Every original and ingenious new invention or patent in india, relating to any business or professional field, can be served well and exclusively by us, in all across the entire country. These reliable and economical patent services in India range from the patent application services and patent watch and monitoring, to patent infringement litigation. All agricultural, scientific, technical, engineering and technological, medical, pharmaceutical, etc. fields are comprehensively covered by our patent services for their proper registration and protection under the Patents Act, 1970, and the Patents Rules, 1972 of India. Besides all patent services in domestic jurisdiction, our Indian clients are all served punctiliously by us regarding their respective patent filing services under the international patent regulations and authorities of the TRIPS Agreement, Patent Cooperation Treaty, Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention, to facilitate and promote their International or worldwide businesses. Our patent application services cover the supportive and legal services for making any creative and efficient new invention, conducting patent searches to verify originality and patentability, drafting patent application, filing the same with required domestic or international authority, and rigorous patent prosecution.

IPR and Company Law

Other Legal Registration